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Have you ever had a dream or goal and you believed that it was attainable– and you saw yourself doing whatever it is you dreamed of doing? So did we. And we received a word from the Lord. In 2013, God spoke to us the words “Let’s Move”. Starting with practically nothing, but the Word of God, we did. And the rest is history.

From interviews, radio and TV shows, traveling the world, live performances, ministering to young and old, God made our dreams a reality.


In 2015, we opened up for Tamela Mann with their first released single “Let’s Move”. The song has two meanings-

1) get up and do what God has called you to do, and 2) let’s move and dance for God, like David danced before the King! This song opened up many doors for us, within local churches, youth groups, Awards Shows, radio AirPlay, and also at the African World Festival. And we’ve been on the “move” ever since!

The two met in Detroit in 2012 at a Casting Call at Wayne State University, and later married in June 2016, being featured in Jet Magazine as the Jet Love Couple. The header reads, “Meet The couple that credits God for their union.” The couple acknowledges that being directed by God led them on the path to one another, and on their musical journey that would intertwine, and soon unfold.


Walking into a room for a live performance after jumping straight off of an airplane, Calvin and Kimberly are greeted across the states as “The Cofields!” This name primarily picked up down south in places such as Florida and ATL, swiftly catching fire and becoming their new stage-name, as they previously known by their full names, Calvin & Kimberly Rice-Cofield.


Later known around the world for their single I’m Straight, God allowed this song to be ministered live on television and on stages on Atlanta Live, The Bobby Jones Show, SXSW, the CaJoFamFest in ATL, Taking the City Bash in Florida, and on TCT Celebrate! The song also received radio airplay on stations around the world. 


Calvin released an EP entitled “Directed P.A.T.H.” in 2018 which is available on all digital outlets. Kimberly’s album “Provide” was released a few months later, featuring an array of gospel music, musicians and lyricists. The couple is currently working on their new album, “Royalty” which is coming soon in 2021. Their first single to be released from the album is entitled “Sunday”, featuring Canton Jones.


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